About Us

Our Mission
We are a nonprofit organization that is 100% dedicated to giving back to our city. The vast majority of the profits from the items sold in our store directly fund our in-house charitable programs. We provide material support and quality self-help opportunities to promote responsible personal growth for people in need.

Our History
The Kelowna and District SHARE Society grew spontaneously in the 1970s when our community was welcoming refugees coming to Canada at that time. Lionel Wace, a community-minded citizen, made a call-out to others in Kelowna to donate or SHARE whatever provisions they were willing to gather in order to ensure that these newcomers had what they needed upon arrival. From those humble origins, SHARE quickly grew into a small but energetic community institution, receiving donations and aiding all local people in need.

Our Founder
In memory of our founder - Lionel Trafford Wace, September 23, 1919- March 2, 2012
On this 10th year anniversary of the passing of our founder, Lionel Wace, Kelowna & District S.H.A.R.E. Society would like to take this opportunity to recognize how the leadership and vision of one man 45 years ago could have a lasting impact on his beloved community.